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A quick note from our host

Thank you all so much for the overwhelming support over the last few years. For those who are wondering, my name is James Mabe and I am the host of Amelia Island History, The Podcast and the author of Amelia Island History on Facebook. 


Growing up in and around Fernandina has been one of the best decisions my family could have made. It provided a safe place to be raised and a wonderful place to call home, even to this day. Although some may find me young to be telling you the history of a place where records date back nearly over one-thousand years, I have always found myself fascinated with history. Visiting museums wherever I go and diving deep into all facets of historical life. 


Whilst being raised, my mother would have us watch The Waltons and it was then where I wanted to understand life predating mine. I hope you enjoy this series and I look forward to reading your notes. Sending my love,


// James Mabe


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James Mabe


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© 2024 by Amelia Island History. Proudly created by Jacksonville, BOLD. a Product of James Mabe and Its So Cloudy. Presented by BuzzSprout Media.

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